And another hot minute passes…

Wild Horses Statue, Providence, RIRight, so where was I? Ciaragh was back, I was done with GARF, and life was settling down so I could get ready for my inlaws to come for a visit.Yeah, that didn't happen. Not even close.For those that don't know, my mom had some sort of major neurological event around… Continue reading And another hot minute passes…

On staves, poi, flow, and damaged elbows…

[The image here is the effect created by someone spinning fire poi. Poi, in this sense, is a Maori word meaning "ball on string," and is combined with dance to make flow art. Before you grow concerned, none of my poi have ever been on fire, nor will they be anytime soon.]Yesterday I attended a...skill… Continue reading On staves, poi, flow, and damaged elbows…

And here y’all thought I was going to complain…

Not today.Okay, earlier today, but not now, even though the sun is creeping up and into the window I'm sitting in front of and making it darned near impossible to work because I CAN'T SEE...Nope, still not complaining. I am instead starting a new way of working - may or may not have asked permission… Continue reading And here y’all thought I was going to complain…

New Year, New You? Nope.

So how many of you (admittedly, 5-6) Lettuce Readers have already given up on the New Year's Resolutions that you made a few weeks ago? Yeah, me too. The difference is that my resolutions were actually achievable this time - set out your clothes for work the night before, make sure that the coffee pot… Continue reading New Year, New You? Nope.

Yes, Virginia Woolf, I am an author…

So, I was working on some prep for an upcoming class I have to interpret and I stumbled upon a passage in an essay that not only struck me but absolutely blindsided me in its perfection and appropriateness. In fact, this is going to be my go to now when people ask me what it… Continue reading Yes, Virginia Woolf, I am an author…