And another hot minute passes…

Wild Horses Statue, Providence, RIRight, so where was I? Ciaragh was back, I was done with GARF, and life was settling down so I could get ready for my inlaws to come for a visit.Yeah, that didn't happen. Not even close.For those that don't know, my mom had some sort of major neurological event around… Continue reading And another hot minute passes…

My Little Irish Wanderer…and the Aftermath

Well, so it has been a hot minute since I last updated this - or wrote anything if I'm honest, but work and life have not given me a second to breathe, let alone open the laptop.That little face there is my Ciaragh (Our Cailín Ádh), and she has had a marvelous adventure this week that… Continue reading My Little Irish Wanderer…and the Aftermath